Stylish frames for stylish foxes
Stylish frames for stylish foxes
Stylish frames for stylish foxes
Stylish frames for stylish foxes
Stylish frames for stylish foxes
Stylish frames for stylish foxes
Stylish frames for stylish foxes
Foxmansโขย takes eye care very seriously. In this digital age, with screens everywhere,ย Digital Eye Strainย is becoming a serious concern.
The blue-light emitted from digital screens can lead to migraines, screen headaches, strained eyes andย insomnia. An effective solution are blue-light blocking computer glasses. The Foxmansโข frames block HEV blue-light emission from all of your digital screens, keeping you protected both whilst working and playing online.
Selected as Best Pick 2020 by the Evening Standard.
Foxmansโขย takes eye care very seriously. In this digital age, with screens everywhere,ย Digital Eye Strainย is becoming a serious concern.
The blue-light emitted from digital screens can lead to migraines, screen headaches, strained eyes andย insomnia. An effective solution are blue-light blocking computer glasses. The Foxmansโข frames block HEV blue-light emission from all of your digital screens, keeping you protected both whilst working and playing online.
When using ourย digital devices, their screens emit a whole spectrum of visible light, includingย High Energy Visible (HEV)ย light, which we see as the colourย blue. This is the same highly energetic light emitted by the sun. Before digital screens, our eyes would only ever usually have to cope with this highly energetic light for during the day. However today, we are exposing our eyes & brains to HEV more and more, which can lead toย migraines, double vision, blurry & dry eyes and insomnia.
In this digital age, children are exposed more and more to artificial blue-light emitted from their phones, tablets and TV’s. Help them sleep better and wake more refreshed with their own pair of computer glasses. Protect everyone in your family with our stylish range of blue-light blocking computer screen glasses.
Letโs face it, many of us often atย use our mobiles, TV screens or laptopsย for hours before switching off the light and thenย trying to go to sleep. Whilst there are the lucky ones who can sleep anywhere and at any time, many of usย struggle with insomnia, which has many other knock-onย negative health effects.
Protect your eyes
Improve your sleep
Light as a feather
Super comfortable
Looks great
and stylish
Enhanced well-
Protect your eyes
Improve your sleep
Looks great
Light as a feather
Super comfortable
Enhanced well-being